Cómo Edit PDF Online?
Software PDF fácil de usar
How do you handle an editable PDF on an iPad (PDF, iPad, graphic design)?
You are absolutely going to love this. Anyone here not knowing how to do this, will be elated this feature is built in. The easiest way is to take your PDF document and click on the “share” button and share it to “Books”. Open it up in Books and you can make your edits via the mark-up tool. You can write on it, and even add your signature. When done, you can share it back out to where you want to store the PDF or keep it in Books and adding it to a category to make it easy. I use this feature a lot. When someone sends me a PDF document to sign, I send to “Books” and sign it and email it back. So easy. Allegedly you can bring the PDF into your “Notes” app and do the same thing. I prefer the “Books” app and have many PDF’s there as reference. I used “Books” to store insurance and other important documents so that whatever Apple device I am using, I an bring it up.
Los documentos PDF pueden ser engorrosos de editar, especialmente cuando necesita cambiar el texto o firmar un formulario. Sin embargo, trabajar con archivos PDF es más que fácil y altamente productivo con la herramienta adecuada.
Cómo Edit PDF con el mínimo esfuerzo de su parte:
- Agregue el documento que desea editar: elija cualquier forma conveniente de hacerlo.
- Escriba, reemplace o elimine texto en cualquier parte de su PDF.
- Mejore la claridad de su texto anotándolo: agregue notas adhesivas, comentarios o blogs de texto; oscurecer o resaltar el texto.
- Agregue campos rellenables (nombre, fecha, firma, fórmulas, etc.) para recopilar información o firmas de las partes receptoras rápidamente.
- Asigne cada campo a un destinatario específico y establezca el orden de llenado como usted Edit PDF.
- Evite que terceros reclamen crédito por su documento agregando una marca de agua.
- Proteja con contraseña su PDF con información confidencial.
- Escriba documentos en línea o envíe sus informes.
- Guarde el documento completo en cualquier formato que necesite.
La solución ofrece un amplio espacio para los experimentos. Pruébelo ahora y compruébelo usted mismo. Edit PDF con facilidad y aproveche todo el conjunto de funciones de edición.
Edit PDF: All You Need to Know
I can also bring it up and edit it with a few keystrokes. This is one of the few features from iOS 7 that I really enjoy being able to bring up as needed (like if reading for something important). I also appreciate Apple's commitment to giving their customers great functionality for free, and the ability to bring a PDF document into the Notes' app while keeping it in my Books app in the cloud. It is super handy. Overall, I am super stoked to have this feature make its way to iOS 7. It makes bringing PDF documents to iOS into a seamless experience. You must download “Books” to use this feature. I use a Mac. Not sure how I feel about it on my iPhone. Update: I just installed a small update for “Books” so now it can also work across a variety of devices. So this.